Deboarding Games - Rush Out
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Deboarding: Rush Out is a casual game in which your mission is to help passengers disembark from each plane on the runway. Each level begins with some passengers in seats, and the goal is to swap them with other passengers or empty ones to let all of them deboard. However, VIP passengers have paid for their seat and can't be swapped from their place.
The first "team" to complete all ordeal cards wins the match. The players play simultaneously, rolling and re-rolling dice (three for heroes, five for the sorcerer) to complete cards. The heros gain experience by completing cards, and they can use this experience to improve the value of wild symbols on their dice. The sorcerer can damage the heros, forcing them to heal before attempting more ordeal cards. The game includes a half-dozen scenarios beyond the training games, and each scenario is played as a best-of-three series of matches.
To rush something out is to release it hurriedly, and usually this results in a reduction in quality. The company rushed out the new phone so it would be available for Halloween.
The phrase rushing out is also used to describe people leaving something quickly. Cara rushed out of the room when she heard her crush was texting her labmate instead of her. She resents both of them for this.